(Ages three* & four)
The Opportunity School Central Campus became one of the first early childhood centers in the country to receive accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and it maintains accreditation today.
Our preschool program's goal is to create capable, confident lifelong learners. Several features that distinguish us from other preschool programs include:
• Low child/teacher ratios of 8:1 or lower to amplify one-on-one teacher support for every child.
• Highly skilled lead teachers with a CDA certificate, Associate Degree, or Bachelor's degree.
• Classrooms staffed with both a lead teacher and an assistant teacher.
• Research-based curriculum resources aligned with Texas standards. We use Creative Curriculum and its companion assessment called Teaching Strategies Gold, which provides information for both teachers and families in helping their child.
• Well-equipped classrooms designed to foster children’s independence and active participation in learning.
• Monthly individual sessions to help parents/family members understand their child’s development.
• Student progress checkpoints at the beginning, middle, and end of the year using Teaching Strategies Gold.
• Individualized instruction for each child based on their developmental needs and learning.
• A focus on helping children acquire the skills as outlined in the Texas Infant, Toddler, and PreK Guidelines.
• At least 30 hours of training each year for all classroom staff with much of that time specific to the age they teach.
The Opportunity School Preschool Program meets the full spectrum of developmental needs for our students including social, emotional, gross, and fine motor skills, emerging literacy skills, math and scientific discovery concepts, creativity and artistic expression, music, and cultural and community awareness.
Daily schedules include learning time in large groups, small groups, and individually-chosen work centers, as well as music and outdoor play. Themes based on subjects of interest to young children are planned in advance and provide many choices depending on individual or class interests and levels of development.
* Three-year-old children whose birth dates fall after September 1 may be considered based on evaluation of the Ages & Stages Questionnaire to determine readiness for preschool. The determination will be made by the campus director. Children enrolled with the Central Campus preschool program must be fully potty-trained in order to attend; no diapers or pull-ups.