RETIREMENT ACCOUNTSNaming Opportunity School to receive any portion of your unused or remaining retirement assets is one of the most tax-advantaged ways to make a legacy gift or gift your annual required minimum distribution from your IRA (Qualified Charitable Distribution) to Opportunity School.
ANNUAL AND YEAR-END CAMPAIGNSEach year, we ask for support from the Amarillo community with a Spring Appeal and Year-End campaigns. This also gives us the opportunity to update donors about the school. You can also amplify your gift through The Panhandle Gives! Make sure all year end gifts arrive in the office by 12/22 or are postmarked by 12/31 to count toward the current tax year.
BEQUESTSA charitable gift that is left as part of your will or trust is one of the easiest ways to leave a lasting impact. A set dollar amount, a percentage, or a residual of the estate are all ways to direct a gift at your passing.
LEGACY LIFEWe have many things on our classroom wish lists that you may have available in your home. Here are just a few things that are on our wish list that we are always in need of. If you would like to help with some of these back to school items, please contact our business office at 806-373-4245! √ Copy paper (standard white and colors) √ Paper towels, baby wipes and disinfecting wipes. √ Packing tape √ Forever postage stamps (sheets or rolls) √ Wicker baskets √ New underwear and socks (sizes 2-5 toddler) √ Baby bibs and sippy cups
FINANCIAL GIFTSIn order to maintain our commitment high quality education experiences for our students, we must annually meet out operating needs. Approximately 50 percent of budgeted funds are provided by community donations. Donations can be made on a schedule that works for your budget whether that's yearly or a smaller gift monthly. Click here to set up a one-time or monthly gift.
REAL ESTATEContributing partial or whole ownership of real estate.
PLANNED GIVINGCommitment to giving gifts over a period of time, using some of the tools above. Opportunity School is forever thankful for the support you have given and the generations of children’s lives you continue to impact positively. We are grateful for the opportunity to share these future gift ideas with you and hope that you will remember Opportunity School in your estate planning.
SECURITIESGifts of stocks/bonds
LEGACY GIFTIf children and education are your passions, you can leave a lasting legacy with a planned gift by including Opportunity School in your will or trust. Learn more by clicking on Leave A Legacy.
DONOR-ADVISED FUNDSDesignate Opportunity School as a beneficiary of the unused balance.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH VOLUNTEERSPlace posters, enrollment brochures, and similar outreach materials in locations around town to reach clients.
HANDY HELPERSRepair children’s furniture, shelving, playground equipment, and other small building maintenance jobs.
CLASSROOM HELPERSWork with individuals or small groups with an activity, help teachers prepare class materials, read to students, assist students as they work, and help teachers with class parties and special events.
OFFICE VOLUNTEERSProvide assistance for staff with filing, copying, laminating, assembling mailings, and other clerical or office jobs.
OPPORTUNITY SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERGovern the school by setting policies and ensuring that the school has the resources it needs.
GUEST READERSRead a book to one of the preschool classes once a week or once a month at either campus. Teachers select a book related to the theme of study. Guest readers help children see adult role models who love reading.
GARDENERSWork with our teachers and staff from The Garden at the High Plains Food Bank to plan and organize planting and maintenance of the vegetable and flower gardens or assist with weeding and other gardening projects throughout the summer.
LIBRARIANSKeep the campus library in good order, label, and inventory new books.
Do you love being around young children? Do you love it when their silly songs get stuck in your head? If so, you would be a perfect volunteer for Opportunity School! We are more than just your typical childcare, so if you want to be part of making a difference in a child's educational foundation, this might be the opportunity for you.
Volunteer Requirements
Must be 18 years of age.
Pass a criminal background check.
Complete tour and volunteer orientation.
Willingness to learn and follow Child Care Regulations.
Interested in Volunteering?
1. Check out our current needs and sign up at Hands On Amarillo. When you submit an interest form, we'll contact you for a tour!
2. Come on a tour campus and learn if you are interested in volunteering with Opportunity School, please contact our office at 806-373-4245 for more information.
3. If interested, we'll have you fill out a brief application. We are required to submit a background check for volunteers who will come in contact with our young students.
4. We will conduct a volunteer orientation which will provide training required by Child Care Regulation and orietn you to our program. During this time, we'll also help find the best role and age group to work with.
Some of the ways you can get involved include: